[off]sublimeText update

Mark Wieder ahsoftware at sonic.net
Sat Mar 16 13:21:24 EDT 2019

On 3/16/19 9:33 AM, Mark Wieder via use-livecode wrote:

> It should be pretty easy to hack the PB to hide plugins when desired...
> If the stack name is among the keys of revIDEPlugins(), ignore it.

Insert the following code before the call to itemise in command 
buildProjectView in stack "revProjectBrowser". I put it at line 472 
(after gathering tStacks) and it did the trick.

    -- ignore plugin stacks
    repeat for each line tStack in the keys of tStacks
       if tStacks[tStack]["short name"] is among the keys of 
revIDEPlugins() then
          delete variable tStacks[tStack]
       end if
    end repeat

...and obviously you'd want a button to toggle this when desired.

Still doesn't help with all those Navigator SO stacks, though.

  Mark Wieder
  ahsoftware at gmail.com

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