Windows: Open image with LC EXE

Klaus major-k klaus at
Wed Mar 6 12:43:24 EST 2019

Hi Paul,

> Am 06.03.2019 um 18:40 schrieb Paul Dupuis via use-livecode <use-livecode at>:
> ...
>>>> If you select an LC standalone as the app t open an image with, the name and path to the image will be sent to the EXE as a command line parameter. See the dictionary/documentation on handling command line parameters in a standalone
>>> thanks, yes, I guessed, but WHAT message is sent to our EXE?
>>> Means WHERE can I handle the $1 or $2 CLI parameter?
>> ah, I think I found it, it is the "relaunch" message, right?
>  I am not sure if your APP is already open what message is sent (never tested that).

I'll leave the testing to that namely german forum user. :-)

> If your APP is not open, windows starts it with the file as the parameter, so you can pick it up in pretty much any message sent on startup from "startup" through "preOpenStack" to "openStack" or even "openCard"

Thank you very much!



Klaus Major
klaus at

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