richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 15:45:21 EDT 2019
Ha, ha, ha; they are coming to take me away as I am replying to my own
post yet again.
And this does seem a bit bonkers;
put0 intoKKK
put1 intoJJJ
repeatuntil KKK > 6.3
put((150 + (100 * (COS(KKK)))) div 1) intoCKKK
put((150 + (100 * (SIN(KKK)))) div 1)intoSKKK
putCKKK & ", " & SKKK intoline JJJ offld "POINTZ"
add0.01 toKKK
add1 toJJJ
The idea of doing 'div 1' is . . . .
On 24.06.19 22:34, Richmond wrote:
> Thanks: I have.
> BUT, imagine, if you will, a situation where I want to animate a blob
> as in:
> put 1 into LYNE
> repeat until line LYNE of fld "PointsList" is empty
> move grc "blob" to line LYNE of fld "PointsList"
> wait 2 ticks
> add 1 to LYNE
> end repeat
> Let's suppose those points should make the blob go round an invisible
> circle
> (this is fairly old-hat as Benjamin Beaumont demonstrated this sort of
> thing
> at the Edinburgh conference about 10 years ago) but, while I might
> generate
> the points of a circle using the ancient SINE-COSINE algorhthim (b*gger,
> how do you spell that word?), I want the points in the listField to
> end up as
> whole numbers with no decimal component.
> I'm not sure 'div' is going to be much help there.
> I suppose I could be totally whacko and set up the decimal point as
> the item delimiter
> and start splitting off bits . . . .
> Richmond.
> On 24.06.19 22:26, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode wrote:
>> Try ‘div’ :)
>> Mark.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 24 Jun 2019, at 20:22, Richmond via use-livecode
>>> <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>>> Err . . .
>>> So; I have several numbers that have to be divided by other numbers:
>>> 28 / 3
>>> 301 / 10
>>> 44 / 6
>>> now these will all yield "awkward numbers" consisting of a quotient
>>> and a remainder:
>>> 9.33
>>> 30.1
>>> 7.33
>>> Now I know one could be "ever so slightly potty" in LiveCode to get
>>> the quotient by doing something
>>> like this:
>>> put 28/3 into XX
>>> put (28 mod 3) into YY
>>> put (XX - YY) into ZZ
>>> but that seems a long way round . . . but I cannot work out what the
>>> equivalent term to 'mod'
>>> is to get the quotient in LiveCode.
>>> Richmond.
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