Why does this not work ?
Alex Tweedly
alex at tweedly.net
Tue Jun 11 04:18:13 EDT 2019
Thank you Peter and Mark.
I guess I see it now - though it's still against *my* intuition :-)
On 11/06/2019 03:24, Peter Bogdanoff via use-livecode wrote:
> I think that 'item 1 of t1’ has to be resolved to an object reference before it can be used with the vis property. The earlier lines are doing that, but not the last.
> It seems that LiveCode has gotten stricter with this in recent versions, requiring “of me” or such when referring directly to a control. Some later version of 8.1 was breaking my existing scripts for this very reason.
> Peter
>> On Jun 10, 2019, at 8:44 PM, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>> OK, this code produces an error - but I can't see why (and I worry about that :-)
>> I have a field inside a group inside a group ....,
>> and the following code :
>>> on mouseup
>>> local tName, t1, t2
>>> put the long name of fld "F" into tName
>>> put tName & ",12,13" into t1
>>> put "t1" && t1 &CR after msg
>>> put item 1 of t1 into t2
>>> set the vis of t2 to TRUE
>>> put "t2 was OK" &CR after msg
>>> set the vis of (item 1 of t1) to TRUE
>>> put "using parens OK" &CR after msg
>>> set the vis of item 1 of t1 to TRUE -- this line fails !!
>>> put "here" &CR after msg
>>> end mouseup
>> that line fails, with the error message
>>> button "Button": execution error at line 14 (Chunk: error in object expression) near "field "F" of group id 1005 of group id 1007 of card id 1002 of stack "/Users/alextweedly/Dropbox (Personal)/Apps/objectchunk.livecode"
>> I just cant see why that doesn't work :-)
>> If I use parentheses, or if copy the first item over to a different variable), then it is all OK. But doing it directly (AFAICT) should work, and doesn't. What am I misunderstanding ?
>> Thanks
>> Alex.
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