Design questions...

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Thu Jun 6 10:42:21 EDT 2019

The smallerst monitor I know of is 640x480. That is tiny. Many developers require a minimal size monitor to function correctly. Our ERP system specifies a minimum of 1024x768. 

As far as scrolling, I suppose it depends on the app. Take Facebook for example. It depends on scrolling. You couldn't have that app without it. But an accounting app with preset forms, nada. 

Some web apps revert to a different form if the screen size becomes too small. Some detect the client is a mobile device and redirect to a different page. 

If by section buttons you mean Microsoft style ribbons, their review was mixed. I still don't like em. In my apps that have menus, I also like controls on the card which essentially do the same thing. No one will complain about giving them multiple ways to do the same thing. Well... samoe may, but those people are going to complain anyway. 

Bob S

> On Jun 6, 2019, at 06:47 , Glen Bojsza via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> 1. what would be considered the smallest stack size for a desktop app?

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