radiobuttons, checkboxes and icongravity
Klaus major-k
klaus at
Sun Jun 2 07:22:34 EDT 2019
Hi Richmond,
> Am 02.06.2019 um 13:14 schrieb Richmond via use-livecode <use-livecode at>:
> Hence my feature request and my barbed comment re some of LiveCode's claims:
well, Mr. b. is still using version 0.9 beta of Runtime Revolution, so don't exspect too much from that side! 8-)
> I am 100% you know about iconGravity and how to use it: fear not, I do not doubt you
> for a moment.
Great relief, thank you! :-)
> I do, however, have my doubts about some programmers and developers in Scotland
> who don't always seem to put their money where their mouths are.
Yeah, that's my Richmond! :-D
> Richmond.
Have a nice sunday
Klaus Major
klaus at
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