SE crash possible vector

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Jul 19 15:57:28 EDT 2019

I thought I'd narrowed it down to the tree view in the variable watcher 
pane. I've been leaving LC set to show the Documentation tab just in 
case, but that doesn't help because when you debug, LC switches to the 
Variables tab automatically.

So I tried pulling down the divider until the debugging panes didn't 
show at all. That makes debugging difficult but I can point to variables 
to see the values, though I can't examine arrays very well. I'm still 
crashing, I just haven't uploaded my current collection of logs yet. I'm 
not sure LC needs more than 30 logs anyway.

On 7/19/19 1:04 PM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:
> I may have a possible vector for the script editor crash bug. I was editing a script but had the Documentation tab open. I clicked somewhere at or towards the end of a line and it immediately crashed to the desktop. I'm wondering if the dictionary lookup is getting some bad data at the click?
> Bob S

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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