HTMLTEXT of a Browser Widget in Properties Inspector?

hh hh at
Thu Jan 17 15:16:41 EST 2019

Browser widget:

There are some problems with caching if one sets the URL and reloads.
Then the chance is really big that you get fooled by the cache.

I tried even to delete the widget and create a new one with the same URL.
Also unloadig the url doesn't help.
I couldn't catch with several traps a cache file on disk, probably it
is in RAM. This is confirmed by the fact that a restart of LiveCode helps.

** It would be a great feature if it were possible to delete the cache. **

B. HTMLtext
But I have no problem with the htmltext of the widget.
The widget saves the current htmltext with its properties (in the stack)
whenever you save the stack. And it loadsit whenever you open the card
conating the widget.
The htmltext is not the content of the widget after you were doing some
javascript in it. It is what you did set as htmltext.

What I usually do is
= set the htmltext to empty on closeCard
= set it again on (pre)openCard.

For the loader widget you could on preopenCard
1. hide the widget
2. set the htmltext
3. wait 3 ticks with messages
   (the widget needs some time for setting its property array)
4. display the widget

p.s. The htmltext was never visible in the property inspector but you can
always look at it by

put the htmltext of widget <widgetName> into fld 1

[Don't put it into msg if you have inline images or LC will become slow.]

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