screenRect and screenLoc weirdness

Monte Goulding monte at
Mon Jan 14 22:00:03 EST 2019

Hi Marty

I’m just wondering if you are using the standard IDE ask and answer dialog or a custom one? If you are working on a very old stack then MetaCard used to copy the ask and answer dialog into the stackFile as a substack. You should be able to see them in the project browser under your mainstack. If that’s the case then perhaps try deleting those.



> On 15 Jan 2019, at 11:58 am, Knapp Martin via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> Does that work for you Paul - it doesn’t for me. I’m having to do this:
> send CenterAnswerOnScreen to me in 1 tick
> answer “Blah blah blah”
> on CenterAnswerOnScreen
>   set the loc of stack "answer dialog" to the screenLoc
> end CenterAnswerOnScreen
> I have a couple of customers with small-screened laptops who use large secondary monitors aligned at the bottom. Thus the top of the secondary monitor is quite a bit above the main laptop monitor. Ask and Answer dialogs are so far off you can only see about the bottom 1/8 of an inch of the window and are thus unusable.

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