Refactoring is your friend / moving from 6.x to 9.x

Curry Kenworthy curry at
Thu Jan 3 13:47:46 EST 2019


 > This is largely due to unicode support in everything,
 > as I understand it.

Nope, I think that was more of a prior assumption going in, and held 
onto despite test results to the contrary, than a conclusion derived 
from testing. :)

Some tests were designed to rule out the effects of text to the maximum 
extent possible, so slowdowns were almost certainly (or if so, should 
not be) the result of unicode. And some text features maintained or 
gained speed despite unicode. So whatever part it played, there's much 
more to the story.

As I say, tests are repeatable; there will be nothing left to difference 
of opinion or chance. I tested an RC of 902 with the same old slow 
results. Soon when I have a chance, I will test 902 final. Whenever an 
LC version comes along with significant improvements, I'll be all over 
it and make the tests extremely public. Not the case so far, we're still 
in the speed limit zone AFAIK!

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
LiveCode Training and Consulting

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