Need crash course in Dropbox library

Phil Davis revdev at
Mon Feb 18 13:31:35 EST 2019

I'm not sure how this would work in your context, but one way to break 
up a file into pieces is to use open / read / close like this:

    # assumes LC 9.0.2
    # tMyFolder = path of folder containing the file to upload
    # tMyFileShortFilename = 'short' filename of file to upload - no
    path, just the filename
    # tMyFilePath = full path of file to upload

    filter files(tMyFolder, "detailed") with tMyFileShortFilename & ",*"
    into tFileDescription
    put item 2 of tFileDescription into tBytesRemaining
    put 0 into tBytesProcessed
    put 157286400 into tChunkSize -- 150 MB
    put tChunkSize into tBytesThisRead
    open file tMyFilePath for binary read
    repeat until tBytesRemaining = 0
         read from file tMyFilePath for tBytesThisRead
         subtract length(it) from tBytesRemaining
         _processChunk it
         put min(tChunkSize, tBytesRemaining) into tBytesThisRead
    end repeat
    close file tMyFilePath

Your upload would be done in the '_processChunk' handler.

Phil Davis

On 2/18/19 5:21 AM, pink via use-livecode wrote:
> I'm getting a little closer...
> 1. how do I break fileContents into smaller pieces?
> 2. how do I properly calculate the pOffset value?
> Matthias Rebbe via use-livecode wrote
>> Hey pink
>> Yes, you are just going to put 150MB at a time into the pData parameter
>> and
>> ship it.
>> I have not uploaded any binary files, just encoded text files, so you may
>> have to fiddle with encoding to make sure you don't get into any trouble.
>> You should be able to open/read the files using
>> put url "binfile:/"&somefilename into fileContents
>> On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 10:42 AM pink via use-livecode <
>> use-livecode at .runrev
>>> wrote:
>>> the phxDropbox library is for v1 of the Dropbox API, which has been
>>> deprecated
>>> what I need is to get a handle of the upload session commands, how do I
>>> properly break the file data into seperate sessions, and how do i
>>> determine
>>> the offset value
>>> Matthias Rebbe via use-livecode wrote
>>>> Don't know if this works anymore but before i used this:
>>>> *on*openstack
>>>> *if* thereisnotastack"phxDropboxLib"*then*
>>>> *put*GetPathToFile("phxDropboxLib.livecode") intophxLib
>>>> *start*usingstackphxLib
>>>> *else* *if* "phxDropboxLib"isnotamongthelinesofthestacksinuse*then*
>>>> *start*usingstack"phxDropboxLib"
>>>> *end* *if*
>>>> *--*
>>>> *if* "phxDropboxLib"isnotamongthelinesofthestacksinuse*then*
>>>> *answer*error"Unable to load phxDropboxLib"
>>>> *quit*
>>>> *end* *if*
>>>> *constant*myAppKey = "appappappapp"
>>>> *constant*myAppSec = "secsecsec"
>>>> *constant*myTokKey = "toktoktoktok"
>>>> *constant*myTokSec = "sectoksectok"
>>>> *--*
>>>> *if* notphx_DropboxAvailable() *then*
>>>> *answer*"Dropbox HTTPS connection NOT available"
>>>> *end* *if*
>>>> *get*phx_DropboxInitLib(myAppKey, myAppSec, myTokKey, myTokSec)
>>>> end openCard
>>>> ----reading----
>>>> *put*phx_DropboxReadFile("sandbox", ("/folder/some.txt"))
>>>> intoField"Name1"ofcard1
>>>> ----writing------
>>>> *put*phx_DropboxWriteFile("sandbox", ("/folder/some.txt"), "text/html",
>>>> true, myName) intofield"udontcme"ofcard1
>>>> ------close-----------
>>>> *on*closeStack
>>>> *set*theuTokenKey ofthisstacktoempty
>>>> *set*theuTokenSec ofthisstacktoempty
>>>> *stop*usingstack"phxDropboxLib"
>>>> *close*stack"phxDropboxLib"
>>>> *pass*closeStack
>>>> *end*closeStack
>>>> Op 16-2-2019 om 00:23 schreef pink via use-livecode:
>>>>> under the documentation for dropboxUpload,  it states it shouldn't be
>>>>> used
>>>>> for files larger than 150MB, the video files will all be around 800MB
>>>>> I've been looking through the stack, but cannot find the answers I am
>>>>> looking for. SO I am still not clear how I should get my file into
>>> pData
>>>>> and pData is just a chunk of the data? How do I make that chunk out of
>>>>> the
>>>>> whole and where do I get pOffset from?
>>>>> Matthias Rebbe via use-livecode wrote
>>>>>> Hey, pink, thanks for the clarification.
>>>>>> First of all, is there a reason why you are doing it this way instead
>>> of
>>>>>> using dropboxUpload?  If you use dropboxUpload you can do it all in
>>> one
>>>>>> shot.
>>>>>> Gerard's stack explains the process and how to use the various
>>> commands
>>>>>> Doing it the way you are doing it, you would start with sessionStart
>>> and
>>>>>> then you would repeatedly call sessionAppend
>>>>>> pOffset is the length of what you have already sent because there are
>>> no
>>>>>> guarantees that dropbox will get your file stream in order, so if it
>>>>>> gets
>>>>>> them out of order and pData isn't the same length for each call to
>>>>>> append,
>>>>>> the only way dropbox knows where to put the data it just received is
>>> if
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> tell it where to put it.
>>>>>> pData should be at most 150mb per call.
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>>>>> ---
>>>>> Greg (pink) Miller
>>>>> mad, pink and dangerous to code
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>>> Greg (pink) Miller
>>> mad, pink and dangerous to code
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>> On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
>> On the second day, God created the oceans.
>> On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
>>     and did a little diving.
>> And God said, "This is good."
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> -----
> ---
> Greg (pink) Miller
> mad, pink and dangerous to code
> --
> Sent from:
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Phil Davis

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