Can LC Server code export images of cards and objects

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Mon Apr 29 14:53:46 EDT 2019

Tom Glod wrote:

 > I can convert image to PDF using other means as long as I have the
 > image.

Probably worth a few minutes to test LC's PDF generation from the LC 
Server engine for Linux (or whatever your target hosting OS is).

Snapshots are bitmaps, without vector information.  PDFs can be done 
that way, but lose quality in printing, can't be searched, etc.

Using the LC's Print-to-PDF external translates LC's object vectors to 
PDF vectors, making as much as possible resolution-independent.  This 
not only improves printing quality, but also zooming, and usually 
results in a much smaller file for shorter download times.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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