Panel/Form Widget

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Apr 11 14:58:03 EDT 2019

Dalton Calford wrote:

[lots of valuable stuff bookmarked but not quoted here only for brevity]

 > But, if you are still with me, I am willing to explain what I use, how
 > I use it, how it is used in many different applications and languages
 > and why.
 > I can provide specifications, tests and other aspects.   I am not
 > asking for you to do the work, but, if you are willing to work with
 > me, as I learn the in's and out's of livecode, I am sure we can come
 > up with something.

I like that collaborative spirit.  This helpful community is quite good 
that way.

Maybe the simplest starting point would be a real-world example of 
immediate interest:  what are you building that needs Viewers?

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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