Re: Upcoming MacOS 14.5 with software “notarization” requirements

Matthias Rebbe matthias_livecode_150811 at
Wed Apr 10 15:23:04 EDT 2019

Matthias Rebbe

free tools for Livecoders: <> <>
> Am 10.04.2019 um 21:00 schrieb Paul Dupuis via use-livecode <use-livecode at <mailto:use-livecode at>>:
> The problem is that the Standalone must be code signed first, before it can be submitted to Apple for notarization. I suppose LiveCode could offer some fields in the standalone builder for you to fill in the path to your cert and they could detect if Xcode is installed and then do a shell() to call codesign and then some more fields for you Apple Developer ID sign in and then submit it to Apple.
> It kind of defeats one of the great values of LiveCode which has been cross-platform development as more and more platform specific stuff gets attached.
> I personally develop on Windows and build for OSX and Windows, but then I need to move the OSX app to OSX for code signing. I would love to see a feature where you could install your certs into LiveCode for each platform and it would cross-platform build AND code sign each standalone for you.

On Mac OS X it´s possible to sign Windows apps.  You´ll need a CodeSigningCertificate and the free  software osslsigncode.
I am not sure, that the other way (signing Mac OS X apps under Windows) is possible. At least i´ve never heard of a way.

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