What's the correct tsnetget syntax
jjs at krutt.org
Wed Apr 10 14:39:49 EDT 2019
i used to use :
put specialFolderPath("home") & "/help.pdf" into tHier
and then this
on helpdownloaded
put specialFolderPath("home") & "/help.pdf" into tFile
if there is a file tFile then
launch document tFile
end if
end helpdownloaded
so it would be opened in the standard pdf reader or in the browser
now it worked good since lately
But does tsnet and libURLdownLoadtofile bite each other?
because i use tsnet for some smtp email funtions
and it seems but i'm not sure that since then it won't download
except when i put this on the next line:
answer the result
is that not weird?
next i tried tsnetget, but it fails probably due to a fault of me:
put tsNetGetFile("3", tHier,
"transferComplete") into tResult
tsNetCloseConn "3"
and then
on transferComplete pID, pResult, pBytes, pCurlCode
local tData,tError
if pCurlCode is 0 and pResult is 200 then
-- If successful, retrieve the downloaded data
put tsNetRetrData(pID, tError) into tData
end if
end transferComplete
Nothing is happening and if i try the example from the webpage of
techstrategies who wrote tsnet it's starts complaining that the
parameters are not good.
Example 1:
local tHeaders, tResult
put tsNetGetFile(“1”, “/path/to/downloaded/file.dat”, \
“ftp://user:pass@ftp.example.com/file.dat”, tHeaders, \
“transferComplete”) into tResult
Example 2:
on transferComplete pID, pResult, pBytes, pCurlCode
local tData, tHeaders
if pCurlCode is not 0 then
answer tsNetRetrError(pID)
answer “File has been downloaded”
end if
tsNetCloseConn pID
end transferComplete
anyone a working example of how it should work?
and maybe an explanation why the liburl command does not work
anymore(correct) (on lc904rc2)
thanks a lot for any help!
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