Saving a tab formatted field to a file and retaining its formatting
Bob Sneidar
bobsneidar at
Mon Apr 8 12:30:58 EDT 2019
This is a bit more useful. Pass the long id of the field object:
function fieldToHTMLTable pFieldID
if not there is a field pFieldID then return "ERROR: Field object does not exist!"
put the htmltext of pFieldID into ht
put the effective textSize of pFieldID into fs
put the tabstops of pFieldID into tStops
put the width of pFieldID into fw
put empty into tabbs
-- we need tabstops relative, not absolute
put item 1 of tStops into tabbs[1]
repeat with i=2 to the num of items of tStops
put item i of tStops - item (i-1) of tStops into tabbs[i]
end repeat
set itemdel to ("&" & "#9;");
set linedel to "<p>"
replace "</p>" with empty in ht
put "<table width=" &fw& " cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2 "& \
"style='font-size:"&fs&"'>"into s0
repeat for each line L in ht
put empty into s
repeat with i=1 to the num of items of L
put item i of L into II
put "<td style='width:"& tabbs[i] &"'>" &II& "</td>" after s
end repeat
if s is not empty then put cr&"<tr>"&s&"</tr>" after s0
end repeat
put "<html><head><meta charset='UTF8'></head>" & cr & \
"<body style='padding:0; margin:0; " & \
"font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif;'>" & \
s0 & cr & "</table></body</html>" into htm
return htm
end fieldToHTMLTable
Bob S
> On Apr 8, 2019, at 09:07 , hh via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> -- Converts a simple table field with tabstops to a html <table>
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