How to find the offset of the last instance of a repeating character in a string?

Keith Clarke keith.clarke at
Mon Oct 29 11:54:16 EDT 2018

Perfect, thanks Devin - I was hoping to see ‘offsets’ in the docs under ‘offset’, so this will do nicely! :-)

> On 29 Oct 2018, at 15:49, Devin Asay via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> On Oct 29, 2018, at 9:32 AM, Keith Clarke via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
>> Folks,
>> Is there a simple way to find the offset of a character from the ‘right’ end of a string, rather than the beginning - or alternatively get a list of all occurrences?
>> I’m trying to separate paths & pages from a list of URLs and so looking to identify the position of the last ‘/‘ character.
>> Thanks & regards,
>> Keith
> There was a discussion on this topic on the list a few years ago, and I saved these functions in my script library:
> From Peter Brigham:
> These are utility functions I use constantly for text processing. Offsets(str,cntr) returns a comma-delimited list of all the offsets of str in ctnr. Lineoffsets(str,cntr) does the same with lineoffsets. Then you can interate over the list of offsets to do whatever you want to each instance of str in cntr. I keep them in a utility stack that is in the stackinuse, so it is available to all stacks. I don't use regex, as I have never gotten the regex syntax to stick in my head firmly enough to find it natural, and in any case doing it by script turns out to be as fast or faster.
> Peter's lineOffsets function returns a line number for each found char offset. I added a function that returns only unique line numbers.
> function offsets str,cntr
>    -- returns a comma-delimited list of
>    -- all the offsets of str in cntr
>    put "" into oList
>    put 0 into startPoint
>    repeat
>        put offset(str,cntr,startPoint) into os
>        if os = 0 then exit repeat
>        add os to startPoint
>        put startPoint & "," after oList
>    end repeat
>    if oList = "" then return "0"
>    return item 1 to -1 of oList
> end offsets
> function lineOffsetsAll str,cntr
>    -- returns a comma-delimited list of
>    -- all the lineoffsets of str in cntr
>    # (returns a line number for ALL instances)
>    put offsets(str,cntr) into charList
>    if charList = "0" then return "0"
>    put the number of items of charList into nbr
>    put "" into oList
>    repeat for each item n in charList
>        put the number of lines of (char 1 to n of cntr) \
>                & "," after oList
>    end repeat
>    return item 1 to -1 of oList
> end lineOffsetsAll
> # added by Devin Asay
> function lineOffsets pStr,pSearchTxt
>    # (returns only unique line numbers)
>    put empty into tList
>    put 0 into tStartLine
>    repeat 
>        put lineOffset(pStr,pSearchTxt,tStartLine) into tLineNum
>        if tLineNum = 0 then exit repeat
>        add tLineNum to tStartLine
>        put tStartLine & "," after tList
>    end repeat
>    if tList is empty then return "0"
>    return item 1 to -1 of tList
> end lineOffsets
> Hope this helps.
> Devin
> Devin Asay
> Director
> Office of Digital Humanities
> Brigham Young University
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