Showing four options in a menu?

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at
Wed Oct 17 18:08:17 EDT 2018

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 7:58 AM Geoff Canyon via use-livecode
<use-livecode at> wrote:
> 1. the property is not boolean -- display nothing with the menu.
> 2. the property is boolean and is true for all the selected controls --
> display a !c check.
> 3. the property is boolean and is false for all the selected controls --
> display ???
> 4. the property is boolean and is false for some of the selected controls
> and true for others -- display ???
For may programs, particularly with reference to Font settings, if you
select text containing a multitude of font formats it will show a
minus sign '-' as it can't show multiple values.  If it were me:

2 = tick in the Box
3 = x in the Box
4 = - in the Box.

It might not be quite standard but I think most people would figure it
out pretty quickly.

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