Stacks whose names start with "rev"

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at
Mon Oct 1 18:18:29 EDT 2018

On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 3:52 PM J. Landman Gay via use-livecode <
use-livecode at> wrote:

>  The problems occured when trying
> to drag or resize those controls, which were immune to any manipulation.
> The stack was stubbornly set to mode 2 and wouldn't budge. We were able
> to manipulate objects via the message box as long as we specified a long
> path to the control. The property inspector was inconsistent in
> recognizing the target stack.

For the record, Navigator has built-in resize/move controls and property
editors, and all of them work on any control anywhere, no matter what mode
the stack is. I regularly edit the controls/layout of Navigator with
Navigator itself -- sometimes by opening a second Navigator, but sometimes
in the primary copy of Navigator itself, which can produce interesting
results :-)

I'm creating new documentation for Navigator
<>. It's barebones so far, but the use
case you're looking at is selecting what to display
<> and
controls <>.

In bullet points:

1. Open Navigator.
2. Select "Show IDE Stacks" on the stack menu (second from left). -- this
is so the Revelation stack will show in Navigator.
3. Select the Revelation stack in the stack menu.
4. If you want to work with a card other than the current card of stack
"Revelation", select the card you want on the card menu (third from left).
5. Navigator's list will show all the controls on that card. Select
whatever control(s) you want to modify. Standard list operators
(shift-click to extend selections, command-click to toggle selections)
work. Then:

To resize or move the controls, select the Size/Location Editor...
<>on the
Properties menu (5th from right, the "P")

To change the colors of the controls, select the Color Editor... (docs TBD)
on the Properties menu.

Both the Size/Location Editor and the Color Editor have revert options, so
you can undo anything you have done since the last time you opened them; or
the selection changed, if they're open as palettes.

To edit the properties of the controls, select the Property Editor...
<> on the Properties

If you have any questions just let me know.


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