How to find offsets in Unicode Text fast
Niggemann, Bernd
Bernd.Niggemann at
Sat Nov 10 19:05:45 EST 2018
That is what I alluded to,
UTF is a wild country and I don't know my ways,
function allOffsets pDelim, pString, pCaseSensitive
local tNewPos, tPos, tResult
put textEncode(pDelim,"UTF32") into pDelim
put textEncode(pString,"UTF32") into pString
set the caseSensitive to pCaseSensitive is true
put 0 into tPos
repeat forever
put offset(pDelim, pString, tPos) into tNewPos
if tNewPos = 0 then exit repeat
add tNewPos to tPos
put tPos div 4 + tPos mod 4,"" after tResult
end repeat
if tResult is empty then return 0
else return char 1 to -2 of tResult
end allOffsets
It teaches me to use UTF32 to be on the safe side, thank you.
But that should take care of it.
Kind regards
Unfortunately, I just discovered that your solution doesn't produce correct
results. If I get the offsets of "aaaaaaaaaa" in
My code (and Brian Milby's) will return: 7,8,9,10
Your code will return: 9,10,11,12
As I understand it, textEncode transforms unicode text into binary data,
which has the effect of speeding things up because LC is no longer dealing
with variable-byte-length characters, just the underlying (fixed-length)
binary data that makes them up. Hence the above discrepancy. At least I
think so. Maybe there's a way to fix it?
Am 11.11.2018 um 00:00 schrieb Geoff Canyon <gcanyon at<mailto:gcanyon at>>:
Unfortunately, I just discovered that your solution doesn't produce correct results. If I get the offsets of "aaaaaaaaaa" in "↘𠜎aa↘𠜎aaaaaaaaaaaaa↘𠜎aaaa",
My code (and Brian Milby's) will return: 7,8,9,10
Your code will return: 9,10,11,12
As I understand it, textEncode transforms unicode text into binary data, which has the effect of speeding things up because LC is no longer dealing with variable-byte-length characters, just the underlying (fixed-length) binary data that makes them up. Hence the above discrepancy. At least I think so. Maybe there's a way to fix it?
On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 12:12 PM Niggemann, Bernd <Bernd.Niggemann at<mailto:Bernd.Niggemann at>> wrote:
I figured that the slowdown was due to UTF8, for each char it has to test if it is a compounded character. So I just tried with utf16 figuring, that now it just compares at the byte-level.
As it turned out it was indeed faster.
Now I don't understand unicode but as I understand for some languages/signs/characters you need UTF32 to display them correctly. I may be wrong on that. But if it is true then the overhead to use UTF32 in textEncoding only adds a small amount to processing time.
The nice thing is that UTF16 and UTF32 textencoding also support caseSensitivity. ByteOffset() for UTF16 is probably always case-sensitive, but only saves a small amount of processing time.
Also, LC apparently has to turn ASCII into UTF8 as soon as there is one non-ASCII character in the source text. In my naive understanding LC could internally switch to UTF16/32 for offset() as soon as it realizes that UTF8 is in the source. Would make obsolete this workaround.
This is just how I "think" it works, the explanation may be all wrong.
Kind regards
Am 10.11.2018 um 20:30 schrieb Geoff Canyon <gcanyon at<mailto:gcanyon at>>:
This is faster -- under some circumstances, much faster! Any idea why textEncoding suddenly fixes everything?
On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 5:13 AM Niggemann, Bernd via use-livecode <use-livecode at<mailto:use-livecode at>> wrote:
This is a little late but there was a discussion about the slowness of simple offset() when dealing with text that contains Unicode characters.
Geoff Canyon and Brian Milby found a faster solution by setting the itemDelimiter to the search string.
They even provided a way to find the position of substrings in the search string which the offset() command does by design.
Here I propose a variant of the offset() form that uses UTF16 to search, easily adaptable to UTF32 if necessary.
To test (as in Brian's testStack) add a unicode character to the text to be searched e.g. at the end. Just any non-ASCII character to see the speed penalty of simple offset(). I used ð (Icelandic d) or use any chinese character.
Kind regards
function allOffsets pDelim, pString, pCaseSensitive
local tNewPos, tPos, tResult
put textEncode(pDelim,"UTF16") into pDelim
put textEncode(pString,"UTF16") into pString
set the caseSensitive to pCaseSensitive is true
put 0 into tPos
repeat forever
put offset(pDelim, pString, tPos) into tNewPos
if tNewPos = 0 then exit repeat
add tNewPos to tPos
put tPos div 2 + tPos mod 2,"" after tResult
end repeat
if tResult is empty then return 0
else return char 1 to -2 of tResult
end allOffsets
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