Make an open stack modal by script

Paul Dupuis paul at
Wed Mar 28 11:50:38 EDT 2018

set the style of stack XXX to modal

set the tail end of the style entry in the Dictionary for details

On 3/28/2018 11:35 AM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:
> Hi all. 
> I broached this subject before but in the reverse direction. I have an app that allows multiple windows (I call forms) open at the same time. For instance I can have the customer form, the sites form and the devices form open simultaneously. Changing the customer loads the sites for the new customer and selects the first site, which loads the devices at that site and loads the first device. 
> Clearly if I am editing a device, I want to prevent the user from switching the customer or site, pulling the rug out from under the device edit session. A *GREAT* way to do this might be to make the edit window modal when the user enters the edit mode, preventing him from interacting with the other windows until the form data is saved. Unfortunately, and to my great chagrin, the mode of a window is read only. 
> Am I going to have to use send in time to close and reopen the window modally, and reverse it when the data is saved? 
> Bob S
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