[OT] InstaMaker Wine App for Mac OS X to create Windows Installers on Mac OS X

Matthias Rebbe matthias_livecode_150811 at m-r-d.de
Fri Mar 16 18:34:53 EDT 2018


i´ve just uploaded an InstaMaker Wine app which allows you to run the Windows version of InstaMaker on Mac OS X. With this it should be possible to create a Windows Installer under Mac OS X. Tried it here successful under HighSierra. 
The download file is about 260MB and the unzipped app is nearly 600MB. But that´s seems to be quite normal for a wine app.

The app needs some time to open, about 5 seconds or so, but that´s still quicker than starting Parallels.

So again, if there is someone who wants to give it a try, then you´ll find it here https://dl.qck.nu//?dl=InstaMakerWine.zip <https://dl.qck.nu//?dl=InstaMakerWine.zip>

Hope this is of use for the one or the other.


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