iOS cached Screen Flashes after Splash Image

Ralph DiMola rdimola at
Tue Mar 13 14:11:41 EDT 2018

Thank Brian,


No, It’s when the app starts again after being closed. You get the splash page, the cached page for .1 to 1 second and then the first card of the app is displayed. It’s particularly noticeable because our fist card is the same as the splash screen so you get splash/cached/splash. I’m getting a lot of noise because the vast majority of other apps don’t exhibit this behavior.


Ralph DiMola

IT Director

Evergreen Information Services

rdimola at


From: Brian Milby [mailto:brian at] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 1:59 PM
To: How to use LiveCode
Cc: Ralph DiMola
Subject: Re: iOS cached Screen Flashes after Splash Image


Sounds like an OS thing. When you double tap the home, is that the screen that flashes? I think the OS caches the last screen for switching and throws that up before the splash. Apps that resume will not notice. The faster the device, the less likely you are to see it. At least that is my non-educated guess :)

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 11:55 AM Ralph DiMola via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:

I'm getting a very strange complaint from one user who has an older iPhone 5 running iOS 11.2. When the app opens it briefly flashes the last screen that was up before the app was closed. This happens in between the splash page and the app's first card. The page flashed page sometimes even has an "answer" dialog from a previous session! I can't replicate it on any of my 3 iOS devices. I also noticed that Pandora and Google Maps does the same thing on my iPad Mini but on my iPad or iPod. The user has two other non-LC apps that are doing the cached flashing. All of the user's other apps except for LC apps and two others don't exhibit the flashing behavior. I'm wondering if the Apple throttle-back for older batteries is exposing: a problem with LC(and other apps), an iOS bug or their device need a factory reset. The last thing I want to do is have the user factory reset their iPhone and have the same thing happen. Could this be an Apple bug for testers that side load many versions of apps? This user has side-loaded many versions to test. Then I had download a store version of the app that never did it before and it's now happening but never did before. I find it very strange that apps that never did this are now acting strangely. I find very little in web searches on this subject. The few hits I've seen were mainly Safari a couple of years ago and a one or two non native Xcode "app building" platforms.

Has anyone else ever seen this?

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services
rdimola at

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