tsNet and Digest Authentication - some problems or better said: missing knowledge

Matthias Rebbe matthias_livecode_150811 at m-r-d.de
Thu Mar 8 06:28:08 EST 2018


i am trying to use the tsNet external to communicate with an Auerswald PABX which requires digest authentication.

The first connection is always successful  using  PUT URL …..
The second one isn´t. There is even no value returned.
When i use tsNetClose and tsNetInit before the 2nd connection then the 2nd connection is successful, because the complete authentication process is initiated from the beginning.
So this works so far
put URL “http:…..”

But how can i use the already established connection? tsNetLibUrlReuseConnection FALSE does not help. 
Is it possible that i have to set the httpheader somehow for the 2nd connection?
I am not very happy to unload and reload the external every time.

I also tried to use tsNetGetSync. The first connection is also always successful, the 2nd not.

So what am i missing?



Tel +49 5741 310000
‌https://matthiasrebbe.eu <https://matthiasrebbe.eu/>‌

Matthias Rebbe
Tel +49 5741 310000
‌https://matthiasrebbe.eu <https://matthiasrebbe.eu/>‌

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