Internet checking?

Graham Samuel livfoss at
Fri Mar 2 07:18:22 EST 2018

I wrote:

> Maybe I will write a tiny standalone that just talks to my server, and experiment with switching off the internet connection to see what errors I get.

I just did that, but so far have only used it in the IDE. I found out two things:

1. Despite my not being particularly interested in tsnet, if I run this program from the IDE, it uses tsnet. I’m not sure if it’s my responsibility to initialise tsnet or not, either here in the IDE (unlikely) or in a standalone (more likely).

2. If I switch off my internet connection, I get the result “tsneterr: (7)”

Seems interesting, so I have looked for a list of tsnet error numbers, but I can’t find it. Basically all I can find about tsnet is the stuff in the dictionary and some press releases. Can anyone point me at its error list?



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