Need help with a project

Brian Milby brian at
Thu Jun 14 19:23:21 EDT 2018

Are you saying that you have the standard mode working but you want to include some of the advanced capabilities like restricted trial, etc?

Does it just wrap the executable or does it encapsulate the entire directory? I’m assuming you have decided that the password protection of the stack isn’t sufficient.

On Jun 14, 2018, 4:28 PM -0500, Peter Bogdanoff via use-livecode <use-livecode at>, wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m working on a project that we are getting ready to publish as a desktop application for Mac and Windows.
> It is content heavy and I'm wanting to protect it, and am using a product called SoftwareShield/GameShield:
> <>
> <>
> It puts a wrapping around the executable and offers license management that works well in its basic form. There are more advanced features that I want to take advantage of that seem to go beyond the capabilities of LiveCode script and my own personal abilities. It seems that LiveCode can work with SoftwareShield, but I don’t know where to begin, nor can I program anything besides LiveCode script.
> This is an example of where I get lost about figuring out how to progress:
> "Because the kernel of SoftwareShield is developed in C++ and the gsCore exposes flat API in standard way, any language (such as Object-C, Java, NodeJS, Perl, Python, etc.) that can make api call to Windows DLL or MacOS dylib can integrated with SoftwareShield SDK.”
> Here’s docs they provide:
> So, I’m looking for someone who can:
> 1. Guide me through the process
> 2. Do Javascript or advanced LC programming as needed
> This is help I need immediately.
> Thanks!
> Peter Bogdanoff
> ArtsInteractive
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