PullDown Menu and the label

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Fri Jun 8 16:54:26 EDT 2018

I have noticed that if you set the text of a menu button without setting the label, the label becomes the first line in the text. It may only do this on a Mac though. 

I will try with a new stack. There may be something in mine preventing it from working. Who knows?

Bob S

> On Jun 8, 2018, at 13:05 , Richard Gaskin via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> Bob Sneidar wrote:
> > I'm pretty sure this is a bug. If I set the label of a pulldown menu
> > button where the label was empty before, the button does not display
> > the label. I checked the property inspector, and the label is indeed
> > set, but the label does not display until I interact with the button
> > and actually select the menu choice.
> >
> > Setting the text, then setting the label or even the menuHistory does
> > not suffice to display the menu label. Bug? Expected behavior? It
> > seems to work with every other menu button type.
> Setting the text of a pulldown menu should not change that object's apparent label.  In any app, note the menu bar menus: items in a menu may change, but those changes do not change the name of the menu in which they appear.
> As for the label property itself, yes, one of the wonderful things about LC is the ability to set object name and display label separately, so we can use names that have mnemonic value in our code while providing a graceful experience for the user.
> But FWIW that seems to work here (v9, Ubuntu).
> I've never seen it do otherwise.
> Recipe?
> -- 
> Richard Gaskin

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