datagrid form question

Douglas Ruisaard dougr at
Tue Jul 31 20:57:08 EDT 2018

I realized belatedly that I didn't do a very good job (at all) of describing what one of the row's in my grid looks like... it may be relevant to a solution.

Each row has 1 checkbox, 3 fields and 2 buttons.
One of the buttons (the one I need assistance with), named "Query" calls a "tsnet" function to query a remote WiFi module (esp8266) to return the status of one of the IO pins on the wifi module.  Works like a charm on ALL rows, scrolled or not... becuse (I reckon) the button is actually *IN* the grid, so there's no issue with the group name.. it is always "me".

I also want to "automate" the queries (there are 8 such wifi modules involved).  So I have a button outside of the datagrid which selects each row of the populated datagrid and sends the "mouseUp 1" message to the datagrid (described in my previous message under this subject)

It is THAT loop which manufactures the Row Template group names.  It is THAT loop which has to know (at this time) which line/row it needs to "wrap" the group name back to "...0001"

Douglas Ruisaard
Trilogy Software
(250) 573-3935

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