Quicktime on PC stuttering during Video displays

Klaus major-k klaus at major-k.de
Tue Jul 31 11:26:16 EDT 2018

Hi Francis,

> Am 30.07.2018 um 22:06 schrieb Francis Nugent Dixon via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com>:
> Hi from Beautiful Brittany,
> Running LiveCode 5.5 on my Macs for many years with several
> very successful conversions to a PC platform (Windows 7)
> Apart  from some field parameters and choice of "more PC"
> oriented character sets, I could convert in no time. Happy Bunny ! 
> However, some of my Apple Livecode stacks use Quicktime to play
> my audio and video tracks. For MP3, Happy Bunny once more ! 
> With .MP4 (et alia), I get glitches during replay.
> I've seen warnings about Quicktime on PC but I ignored them as my
> video use was very limited. I put the problem on the back-burner.
> Recently I use much more video, and have to solve the problem.
> Google searches invited me to use VLC or KMPlayer.
> What modifications must I apply to choose a good solution ?
> LiveCode Help on the internet is obtuse !
> Does using the "dontuseQT" command solve this problem (sounds far
> too easy, even for LiveCode ….. !)

if you: set the dontuseqt to TRUE
then you will only be able to ONLY play MPG (1), SOME AVI and MOV files with 
"ancient" codecs in LC via: play vc "path/to/videofile.mp"

> I hope that  my LiveCode status of 5.5 (can't afford LiveCode updates)
> is not going to restrict me in any way.

I'm afraid it does.

> I have a feeling that Klaus could help me out here ! (thanks for the music)

Thank you for your confidence, but sorry, I cannot be of help here.

QT and Windows were never good companions, so you are out of luck because LC 5.5
will always use QT for multimedia playback on Windows.

> Thanks for any help
> -Francis



Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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