drawing a Barcode without a Barcode font

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Wed Jul 25 10:49:10 EDT 2018

I kind of was referring to this in my prior post. Figure out the minimum resolution you are printing to, then make your bars and white spaces in some increment of that, then screenshot and scale as necessary. We have ERP software that prints barcode labels for inventory, but the barcode readers that use the iPhone camera don't read them well, probably because the barcodes are printed with a thermal printer and the resolution kinda sucks. 

Bob S

> On Jul 25, 2018, at 05:38 , Mike Kerner via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> What up Matthias?
> You're using 2 of 5, right?
> TT can be a little messy depending on how small you try to make the
> barcodes, and that Zebra isn't going to help.  Start with proportionally
> jacking the widths and then see if you can scan.
> I meant to ask you this before, but since you got it running I was leaving
> it alone.  Is there any reason to not use a 2 of 5 font?  That would at
> least remove one potential issue from your setup.

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