Datagrids and Nested Behaviors

Niggemann, Bernd Bernd.Niggemann at
Mon Jul 23 18:22:39 EDT 2018

my solution would be to change private function _ResourceStack of stack RevDataGridLibraryBehaviorsDataGridButtonBehavior to

private function _ResourceStack
  local theStack, theCharNo
  put the behavior of me into theStack

     if trueWord - 1 of theStack is "revDataGridLibrary" or theStack is empty then
        exit repeat
        put the behavior of theStack into theStack
     end if
  end repeat

  if theStack is not empty then
     put offset(" of stack", theStack) into theCharNo
     delete char 1 to (theCharNo + 3) of theStack
  end if

  return theStack
end _ResourceStack

as far as speed is concerned it is probably slower than Brian's suggestion but one has only to change one handler. Then again it is only during initialization of the dataGrid

That way one could use Bob's setup

modified behavior button
existing behavior 1
existing behavior 2

and set the behavior of group "dataGrid x" to the long id of button "modified behavior button"

And all other instances of the dataGrid would use their default behaviors.

Kind regards


> Am 23.07.2018 um 23:01 schrieb Brian Milby <brian at>:
> So that is something that could be fixed pretty easily. I’m thinking a script local to store the value which will offset the additional work to figure it out the first time.
> Logic would be to check for some key object and if not found then move up the behavior chain a level and look. Could either decide that only one could be there or just keep going until there are no more. There is no error checking now, so it could fail in the same manner.
> A side effect would be that the call would be faster for every other use since it would only be checking that the script local wasn’t empty and returning the value.
> Another option would be to just initialize the variable in _Initialize and use it for the 10 places the function is currently used. That would be even faster since it would eliminate the function call completely.
> Thanks,
> Brian
> On Jul 23, 2018, 1:24 PM -0500, Niggemann, Bernd via use-livecode <use-livecode at>, wrote:
>> The problem Bob Sneidar ran into by changing the order of the behaviors of a dataGrid is due to the initialization process of the dataGrid at start-up.
>> The behavior looks for a resourceStack by means of this handler.
>> private function _ResourceStack
>> local theStack, theCharNo
>> put the behavior of me into theStack
>> if theStack is not empty then
>> put offset(" of stack", theStack) into theCharNo <-- looks only at first behavior which is in Bob's case the wrong stack
>> delete char 1 to (theCharNo + 3) of theStack
>> end if
>> return theStack
>> end _ResourceStack
>> In Bob's case the function returns the stack the button his newly assembled behavior is placed on instead of stack "revdatagridlibrary.rev".
>> Then the initialization trys to set again behaviors of specific elements of the datagrid to scripts of the "correct" _ResourceStack.
>> This fails obviously and is the reason for Bob's approach to fail.
>> Further details of this on request, I don't want to bother the list with them.
>> Kind regards
>> Bernd
>> Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> The more I've explored this the more subclassing by inserting a custom behavior in between a custom control and its original behavior should work. It's curious that it doesn't here.
>> What exactly were the errors you encountered?
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