regex deconstructor

Mike Kerner MikeKerner at
Mon Jan 29 09:20:59 EST 2018

I'm not sure why they have some of those the way they have them.  The
indent regex in ST is not well documented (that I can find).  For example,
I don't think "<" is a reserved character in regex, but ST requires you to
treat it as you would in html, i.e. "<"

The first thing that I'm trying to do with this new set of indent rules is
add a "block", so that we can do code folding using arbitrary structures.
I have been using a commented HTML-type tag to designate a block.
For example
#<populate db>
#</populate db>

The contents of the commented tag are not important to the indenting, nor
is ensuring that the comment at the top and the bottom are the same.  What
I am trying to get is an indent following #<...> and an unindent at
#</...>.  Also, I don't really care if the comment begins with #.  It could
also begin with -- or // since other folks might like those comment
delimiters better than #.

FWIW, the (buggy) one that I came up with looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<plist version="1.0">
<string>LiveCode Script Indentation</string>
<!-- documenation found at
<!-- rules for when then next line would not be indented further -->
<!-- if current line matches then next line (and only next line) indented 1
level further -->
<!-- ignore any lines matching this pattern when computing the next line's
indent level -->

And the rationale file that I wrote so I could figure out wth I was
thinking is:
RegEx can be complicated, so here is the rationale for the regex for the
various sections in the tab settings:

^\s*? Begin the line with 0..n whitespace characters due to indents or
other things
(on\s+?.+) "on", followed by at least one space, then a handler name - e.g.
"on myHandler"

|((private\s)?((command|function)\s+?.+)) Either "private" and a space or
neither, then either "command" or "function",
then a space, a function name and perhaps parameters, e.g. "private
function myFunction a, b" or "function myFunction a, b"
|((else?\s*?)?(if\s+?.+then\s*?)((#|--).*?)?$) Either "else" and a space or
neither, then "if", a space, some condition,
"then", and possibly some spaces (but nothing else, i.e. no other
commands/functions) following.  The line can end with a comment, either
beginning with "#" or "--".  e.g. "if x then", or "if x then #this is why",
or "else if x then --perhaps nothing".  The goal is to distinguish between
if-then{-else} blocks and single-line if-then{-else} statements - the
latter do not get indented.

|(else\s*?((#|--).*?)?$) "else", then spaces (or not), but no other
statements.  The line can end with a
comment, either beginning with "#" or "--".  e.g. "else", or "else #we have
work to do" or "else -- i forget".

|(repeat\s+?.+) "repeat", then at least one space, and the rest of the
statement, e.g. "repeat
100 times" or "repeat with i = 1 to 10" or "repeat for each x in y"

|(switch\s+?.+) "switch", then at least 1 space, and the rest of the
expression, e.g. "switch x"
See below for a note on the indenting of switch/case/default.

|(case\s+?.+) "case", then at least one space, then the value or condition,
e.g. "case 1".
See below for a note on the indenting of switch/case/default

|(default\s*?.+) "default" and whatever after it.  I didn't bother to use
the indent rules to
enforce default syntax, because I can't think of any time other than in a
"switch" where "default" would be used, and if the user screws up the
syntax, the linter should complain.  At any rate, the line could still end
with a comment, legitimately.  e.g. "default", "default -- something", or
"default #nothing else matters".
See below for a note on the indenting of switch/case/default

|(try\s*?.+) "try" and whatever follows.  Linter can enforce syntax, but I
want to make sure
we allow the user to put a comment at the end of the line, thus adding the
e.g. "try" or "try #something"

|(catch\s+?.+) "catch", then a space, and the error variable, e.g. "catch a"

|(finally\s*?.*) "finally", and if desired, some whitespace, and maybe a
comment, e.g.
"finally", or "finally #we're done".  Let the linter catch if something
else was put at the end of the line, where I am recognizing that there
might be a comment, instead.

|((#|--|)\s*?<\s*?[^/].*>)) Mikey's favorite custom construct, the
block.  The block is not something that
LC handles any differently than any other bit of code, but we can have ST
indent it, which means I can fold it.  Heh.  Heh.  Heh.  It's a comment
with a tag that I use to mark a section of code without having to write a
handler and deal with variable scope issues.
"#" or "--" then perhaps one or more spaces, then "<", then perhaps more
spaces, then anything that isn't a slash "/", then more text, then ">".
e.g. "#<v. 3.0>", or "# <loads the documents>".  The reason for excluding
the "/" is because that is an end tag - it will mark the end of the block,
and we will unindent at that point.

NOTE:  Switch and case are set to indent and unindent the way they are b/c
you cannot force a double-back indent.  Consider
switch x
case 1
case 2
At this point we are two tab levels in.  There is no way to get "end case"
to move us back two levels, only one.  Therefore, in the
decreaseIndentPattern, we have "case" and "default", to get the indent to
be at the same level as "switch".
switch x
case 1
case 2
end case

^\s* Line may or may not begin with whitespace
(end\s+?.+) "end", then whitespace, then the handler name, e.g. "end
|(case\s+?.+) "case", then at least one space, then the value or condition,
e.g. "case 1".
See above for a note on the indenting of switch/case/default
|(default\s*?.*) "default" and whatever after it.  I didn't bother to use
the indent rules to
enforce default syntax, because I can't think of any time other than in a
"switch" where "default" would be used, and if the user screws up the
syntax, the linter should complain.  At any rate, the line could still end
with a comment, legitimately.  e.g. "default", "default -- something", or
"default #nothing else matter".
See above for a note on the indenting of switch/case/default
|(else.*) "else" and then whatever.  Every "else" line needs to pull back
one indent,
whether it is a straight "else", or "else if x=y then"
|(catch\s+?.+) "catch", then a space, and the error variable, e.g. "catch a"
|(finally\s*?.*) "finally", and if desired, some whitespace, and maybe a
comment, e.g.
"finally", or "finally #we're done".  Let the linter catch if something
else was put at the end of the line, where I am recognizing that there
might be a comment, instead.
|((#|--|)\s*?</.*>.*) End of a block (see above for discussion of a
"#" or "--" then perhaps one or more spaces, then "<", then perhaps more
spaces, then a slash "/", then more text, then ">".
e.g. "#</v. 3.0>", or "# </loads the documents>".

^\s*?(if\s+?.+?then\s+?.+) whitespace, perhaps, then "if", then whitespace,
then the condition, "then",
at least one space, and more text.  e.g. "if x=y then beep".
I'm trying to make sure we catch single-line if-then and if-then-else
statements, as those are NOT going to have indented code below them.  Note
that this regex will also match the if/then that has a comment on the end
(e.g. "if x=y then #make sure we notify the user"), BUT, in that case, the
indent will override the "do nothing" rule.

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