The "Property Profile Pane" -- where's it gone to? -- or, should profiles be avoided completely?

Brian Milby brian at
Mon Jan 22 23:58:01 EST 2018

I'll tackle a couple of your questions:
- The profile pane that Jacque was referring to is located in the LiveCode
preferences (currently labeled "Property Profiles")
- The profile pane displayed in the Wiki is part of the Property Inspector
and is not available in LC8/9.
- Currently, profiles have to be created via commands in code (I used the
message box)
- I would not suggest the use of profiles to change languages (much better
to use custom properties or some other method to take care of that).  This
is the point Klaus was making.
- If you think that the Geometry Manager will work for your stack, Profiles
seem to be a good option to take care of handling a different layout based
on mobile device orientation.  The "Mobile Profile" demo that I put
together shows how this can work.
- When working with anything that has the ability to reposition controls
automatically, I strongly suggest that backups are made often (and multiple
copies kept).  This is both for custom resize handlers and GM/PM.


On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 9:22 PM Nicolas Cueto via use-livecode <
use-livecode at> wrote:

> Did not know until a week ago anything about the concept of LC profiles, as
> in revSetCardProfile, revSetStackProfile, or revSetStackFileProfile.
> So, looked at the LC doc and found this: "You create a profile for an
> object, and give it a name, using the PROPERTY PROFILES PANE in the
> However, even with the example on the LC wiki of an image showing this pane
> <> ,
> neither on Mac or Windows 8.1.8, and neither in the Property Inspector or
> any other LC menu couId see anything called PROPERTY PROFILES PANE or
> resembling what that image shows.
> Then, searching the LC forum, in the thread Creating property profiles
> <
> >
> (2014.01.25),
> Jacque wrote "The "create profiles automatically" option is in LIVECODE
> However, not only does Jacque's profile pane look nothing like the Wiki
> image's, but the former only allows naming the "master profile" and has a
> checkbox for "Create profiles automatically".
> Is this a LC version problem? Or is it it simply that I don't know how to
> work with profiles?
> If the latter, I'd sure appreciate detailed examples of how to create a
> couple of profiles, and then implement them.
> On the other hand, in the LC forum thread Property Profiles and
> revSetStackFileProfile
> <
> >
> (2010.04.23),
> Klaus warns against using profiles and instead use CustomProperties and
> CustomPropertySets. He even offers a sample stack
> <> "CP-Sets1" (scroll down the
> page) showing how that works.
> So, my other question is, avoid profiles completely?
> --
> Nicolas Cueto
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