use-livecode Digest, Vol 172, Issue 22

Richard Burkett richard.burkett at
Wed Jan 10 17:56:39 EST 2018

Thank you, Paul!
I finally got this to work in my test stack using the script below. Note that it has the change to “set the rawClipBoardData to empty” instead of just “set the ClipBoardData to empty” - that seemed to be necessary at least in LC 8.1.3 with Mac OS X 10.12.8 Sierra which I have to use as my scripts of my main app don’t compile or run correctly at this point with more recent versions of LiveCode (but that’s another issue).

on mouseUp
   put fld "myField" into tClip
   lock the clipBoard
   set the ClipboardData to empty
   set the ClipboardData to tClip
   put the clipboardData["text"] into tClip
   set the rawclipBoardData to empty
   if the platform is "MacOS" then
      set the rawClipboardData["public.utf8-plain-text"] \
            to textEncode(tClip, "UTF-8" )   -- OSX
   else if the platform is "Linux" then
      set the rawClipboardData["text/plain;charset=utf-8"] \
            to textEncode(tClip, "UTF-8" ) -- Linux
   else if the platform contains "Win" then
      set the rawClipboardData["CF_UNICODE"] \
            to textEncode(tClip, "UTF-16" ) -- Windows
   end if
   unlock the clipBoard
end mouseUp

Quietly laughing here as I had to copy the script from LC script editor to text edit to avoid having double spacing!


Richard Burkett
richard.burkett at

> On Jan 10, 2018, at 11:20 AM, Paul Hibbert wrote:
> This works for me with LC9.0.0(dp11) on MacOS High Sierra 10.13.2:
>   lock the clipBoard
>   put the clipboardData["text"] into tClip
>   set the clipBoardData to empty
>    -- OSX
>   set the rawClipboardData["public.utf8-plain-text"] \
>         to textEncode(tClip, "UTF-8" )
>   unlock the clipBoard
>   -- Now Go Paste in Apple Mail
> For an in-depth explanation check the ?rawClipboardData" in the dictionary.
> Hope this helps.
> Paul
>> On Jan 10, 2018, at 7:20 AM, Richard Burkett via use-livecode <use-livecode at <mailto:use-livecode at>> wrote:
>> Thanks for the suggestion, Jacqueline, but it didn?t change anything. Anyone else have a script-based solution to make sure LiveCode pastes only plain text? ASCII, Native, MacRoman - none of those text encodings work. 
>> Even putting only this line in my script results in the same thing:
>> set the clipboarddata to ( "blah" & lf & "blah" & lf & "blah" & cr & "blah" & cr & "blah" & return & "blah" )
>> What?s different about text set in the clipboard in LiveCode from other text copied from other Mac apps?
>> Richard Burkett
>> richard.burkett at <mailto:richard.burkett at>
>>> On 1/9/18 12:09 PM, Richard Burkett via use-livecode wrote:
>>>> Does anyone have a solution to this problem: I set the clipboard in LiveCode to the text of a field or variable that has returns after each line. When I paste that into Mac Mail, the text appears double-spaced as if it has two returns, but clearly there is just one (or a combination of CR and LF?). I?ve tried all the keys for setting the clipboard and also writing a script to delete line feeds, or CR characters, but nothing works. It?s either no returns, or what appears to be double-spaced returns.
>>>> If I paste the text first into Text Edit, then copy it, and paste into Mac Mail it?s fine - single line spacing. What?s LiveCode adding to each line that causes Mac Mail to show the pasted text as double spaced? Is there a way to filter/remove that?
>>> I don't have a good way to test this, but try:
>>> set the clipboardData to textEncode(the clipboardData,"native")
>>> -- 
>>> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at <mailto:jacque at> <mailto:jacque at <mailto:jacque at>>
>>> HyperActive Software           | <> < <>>

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