Free SVG icons

hh hh at
Tue Jan 2 21:26:01 EST 2018

There are more complicated ones like below. We have to work harder in LC 9 for these.


<svg xmlns="" width="100" height="100"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#C0392B" d="M100 58c0 3.313-2.687 6-6 6h-73c-3.313 0-6-2.687-6-6v-52c0-3.313 2.687-6 6-6h73c3.313 0 6 2.687 6 6v52z"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#E74C3C" d="M85 73c0 3.223-2.74 6-6 6h-13c-1.113 0-2 .754-2 2v18c0 .738-.253 1-.917 1-.232 0-.471-.154-.865-.457l-23.967-18.543c-3-2-6.129-2.006-6.129-2.006l-26.22-.002c-3.26 0-5.902-2.613-5.902-5.836v-51.125c0-3.221 2.896-6.047 6-6.031h73c3.562 0 6 2.778 6 6v51z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M58.5 40.072c-1.178.523-2.443.875-3.771 1.035 1.355-.813 2.396-2.102 2.887-3.633-1.268.752-2.674 1.297-4.168 1.594-1.198-1.278-2.904-2.075-4.792-2.075-3.626 0-6.565 2.94-6.565 6.566 0 .512.058 1.016.17 1.497-5.456-.275-10.294-2.889-13.532-6.859-.564.968-.889 2.096-.889 3.298 0 2.28 1.159 4.288 2.921 5.465-1.076-.033-2.089-.33-2.974-.822l-.001.084c0 3.181 2.264 5.834 5.267 6.438-.551.149-1.131.228-1.729.228-.423 0-.835-.038-1.235-.116.835 2.609 3.26 4.507 6.133 4.558-2.248 1.763-5.079 2.813-8.154 2.813-.53 0-1.053-.031-1.566-.095 2.903 1.863 6.354 2.952 10.061 2.952 12.076 0 18.679-10.004 18.679-18.68 0-.284-.006-.568-.018-.85 1.284-.926 2.395-2.081 3.276-3.398z"/></svg>

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