Quit Command corrupts standalone (stack called by standalone splash)

Mark Wieder ahsoftware at sonic.net
Mon Feb 26 21:22:08 EST 2018

On 02/26/2018 05:14 PM, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:
> Knapp Martin wrote:
>  > Richard, could you elaborate on the issues with Dropbox?
> I first came across it in a search at Google for "dropbox sqlite", 
> looking for tips on making the most of that relationship.  What I found 
> was a long series of support forum and blog posts filled with horror 
> stories of out of sync or corrupted DB files.

To counteract some of the FUD, storing a large multiuser database in the 
cloud with long sync times and no proper locking is just a bad idea in 
the first place. But unless you've got a particularly huge LiveCode 
stack, you're not going to see this kind of syncing problem. And 
typically a Dropbox folder is confined to one user, even if it's 
replicated on multiple machines, so you're not going to run into 
multiuser issues. I have quite a lot of files stored on Dropbox, but 
they're fairly small so the update sync time is very fast. And if the 
sync fails because of network issues, the cloud copy isn't updated. But 
I wouldn't put a database on Dropbox precisely because of the problems 
listed in that article.

  Mark Wieder
  ahsoftware at gmail.com

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