Quit Command corrupts standalone (stack called by standalone splash)

R.H. roland.huettmann at gmail.com
Mon Feb 26 07:13:41 EST 2018

Thanks, Phil and Tom

I already replied, but I cannot see my first reply to your answers.

Did it appear in the list?

>> "quitMe" should be sent before 'saveMe' is executed, because the 'save'
command is blocking. It would prevent 'quitMe' from being sent until (in
this case) 1 second after 'saveMe' has finished.

Well, it is blocking. Issuing "quit" just quits if messages are locked.So,
to quit before save would require not to force a quit. Right? I will test.

The main problem is that the IDE is ok, even though saving takes a long
time, but no errors I can see. The standalones are the culprit, and I have
limited to access to other peoples computers using my standalones. And on
my machine the problem does not appear regularly.

// I hope this message appears, otherwise I will have to check what is
wrong sending messages to the list. //


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