libsodium on LiveCode?

Brian Milby brian at
Sat Feb 17 13:53:29 EST 2018

I found a thread from a year ago that mentions libsodium:

I was wondering if anyone had taken a look at what it would take to build
something usable within LiveCode?  My guess is that this is something that
could be addressed as a LCB library to hook into native compiled code for
each platform.  The project itself looks to have make files for all of the
platforms of interest in this community.

I've been looking due to the talk that Andre gave last month at LCG which
mentioned Scuttlebutt (  The dex library he
demonstrated ( implements a
protocol that is very similar, but uses a different encryption method
(RSA).  Upon my initial look, one of the things that would be needed to
interface with Scuttlebutt would be the encryption library (there is a JS
version of the library available, but performance would be much better with
native code and no overhead of the browser object).


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