How to calm down the Standalone Builder?

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Tue Feb 6 13:01:15 EST 2018

Yes I think that was resolved a while ago. That particular thing is not happening to me anymore, but I am constantly plagued with the Stack Already Open message, and also the issue with the modal Login stack is related. 

I have found that I can suppress messages just before building and the build works just fine, but I am manually selection inclusions. Not sure if that would work if automatic detection of inclusions was enabled. 

Seems to me you can supress messages at the beginning of the SB build process, and restore it afterwards to it's propr state as an easy workaround? I can do it as well, but I haven't bothered to see what is getting launched for the SB. 

Bob S

> On Feb 6, 2018, at 09:33 , Richard Gaskin via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> Bob Sneidar wrote:
> > That is exactly what I was complaining about. Apparently when the SB
> > creates the duplicate stack, it uses that path and modifies the
> > original mainstack if you try to build again. Now I only build for one
> > platform, and then I quit and relaunch for each build operation. That
> > keeps my original stackfile paths from becoming corrupted.
> In my case my mainstack never gets corrupted; apparently the SB is doing what it's expected to do in modifying the copy of the stackfile only.

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