Seeking OSX Code signing consultant...

Paul Dupuis paul at
Wed Dec 12 14:20:29 EST 2018

Tips from or from Google searches or Apple articles or on 
3rd party web sites (like Trevor's) are great ... for the people who 
want to setup code signing themselves.

For LiveCode to be really considered an effective development 
environment for building commercial application, a population of 
"experts" that can be hired needs to be cultivated. For a number of 
areas this exists.

When we wanted a External built, we didn't have to learn C++. We found 
several people in the LiveCode community who had the skills and would 
build an External for us to our specs - that effort became the XPDF 
external (later acquired by LiveCode) for displaying and extracting PDF 

When we wanted to provide graphs in our applications, we didn't have to 
follow lots of LiveCode Script tutorials on how to draw bar charts by 
sizing various rectangle graphic objects, we purchase a graphics library 
that did this for us.

And so on .... with quite a few example. However, Code Signing seems to 
be stuck at the "you have to learn to do it yourself" level. That is not 
entirely true, as I did have one response to my inquiry for a paid 
consultation. But still, only 1? That in and of itself says something 
about the LiveCode market place. Either there are not enough people 
willing to pay for 3rd party developer services for 3rd party developers 
to make a living at it OR the market of people wanting LC related 
developer expertise is larger than the available number of "experts".

Also, if you are making a commercial application in LiveCode for 
Windows, OSX, and probably Linux too, you pretty much have to code sign 
the app or your sales will suffer (if you get any at all). For Android 
and iOS code signing is required.

I've currently narrowed our problem (I think) to an issue with our 
Certificates from the Apple Developer site. I've now spent probably 10 
hours on this (and its still not working) in what would probably take an 
experienced person less than a couple hours. Tomorrow, I will work with 
a consultant  and hopefully discover the obvious thing I should have 
been doing that I have not been doing.

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