.app to .ipa converter and Xcode version for Mojave?

JJS jjs at krutt.org
Mon Dec 10 16:26:25 EST 2018

Thanks Jacque,

well yes i think so. Totall would be under 200$ yearly together with the 
Community Plus else you can't put it on the app store.

I also think the nr of iOs users would not match up to the Android users.

Members (around 2100 and decreasing due to natural causes) donate 
voluntarly max 10 euro yearly to the association. The association does 
also get funds from the Dutch government but that's related to reunions 
and thelike. The nr of members will never increase because it's only for 
them who served with that batallion.

I don't think i could get an OK for this.

Thanks anyway :)

Op 10-12-2018 om 21:22 schreef J. Landman Gay via use-livecode:
> On 12/10/18 1:05 PM, JJS via use-livecode wrote:
>> I hoped the ipa builder would provide something to get it on their 
>> devices without the iOs store.
> Nothing can bypass the App Store. IOS devices will only install apps 
> deleviered from the store, with the single exception being developer 
> testers, which can accomodate up to 100 verified devices whose UUIDs 
> are embedded into the development certificate.
> Apple does offer an Enterprise account that allows a company to host 
> the app on their own servers, but it is much more expensive and last I 
> heard, only accomodates up to 500 devices. That number may have 
> changed since I last checked, but if $100 is out of range then 
> Enterprise certainly would be unaffordable.

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