LC displaying colors incorrectly in macOS 10.13

Monte Goulding monte at
Sat Aug 25 19:25:00 EDT 2018

> On 25 Aug 2018, at 10:51 pm, Matthias Rebbe via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> rereading yours and mine comments, i have to ask:
> If Apple´s app Color Digital Meter shows the same values as LC´s function mousecolor, then  mousecolor is showing the correct values, isn´t it?
> Or am i missing something?

Hmm… ok so I think I misread your original comment. Comparing Apple’s Color Digital Meter and LiveCode’s mouseColor does give the same results. Creating a swatch with the same RGB values in a color picker on a web page also results in the same RGB values I get from the LiveCode stack. I tried in chrome and safari.

Going in to the color profiles and changing to sRGB IEC61966-2.1 and the reported values are correct all around.

So it seems the default color profile in High Sierra isn’t right. I’m not overly sure what we can do about it. It might be that someone else on the team knows what to do or it could just be Apple’s bug to deal with.



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