
Lagi Pittas iphonelagi at
Fri Aug 17 08:37:44 EDT 2018


I'm sorry for the meandering, unfocused ran/stream of consciousness below
but ......

I agree with all the sentiments so far,  and I can empathise with Mark and
Todd about people who "Know" that everything must be written in C++ , Java
or Python. - Livecode is a "baby language" according to them -  so was
Clipper but we had OO (ish) and codeblocks in 1990. I wouldn't write a
Multitasking Kernal in Livecode (I created one in C for a Voice application
for Dollond and Aitchison before they were bought by boots). .
The Idea of taking the essence of some of the great threads in this List
and the Forums is to me a brilliant idea, But we need a concerted effort
with The  Livecode mothership mucking in - seems to me there is a lot of
demarcation (the software developers

Without (again!!!) trying to  beat a dead horse - and without becoming
personal (it isn't). Marketing and Web is controlled by the same person
believe - I don't see much marketing (posting articles get the word out is
marketing), and we have a revamp every couple of years.

What doesn't marketing/Web design have 1 hour a day to first find where old
links have stopped working (there are still many) post articles on
development sites but the biggie and probably the best post interesting
threads to SO as Todd says (and Monty tried to get going) and we (I would
be willing to find some time - but I wash the bottles as well - oh top be
just a marketer and look after a Wordpress site).

I'm now wondering if the LC Towers  is sitting back and waiting for all the
moolah to come in from the LIvecode for Filemaker (which I don't doubt is
coming in), but there is still stuff missing from the Kickstarter - the and
also the new sqlite library  we crowdfunded nearly 2 years ago.

Yes LC is fantastic - I would't be here if it wasn't but there are far too
many Moustraps for every developer to come running for ours.

Python is a joke as a first language for kids  - heck  I could never go
back to UI creating screens by hand coding ever since I used Foxpro (for
Dos) and Delphi. You might as well use BBC basic for windows . Don't get me
wrong I play/write utilities with Python,Lua,Purebasic BBC basic, Xharbour,
B4fX (B4A,b4I), Xojo, Delphi (v7)  and Lazarus (yes I have the lot - paid
for but not updated because I don't use them for making money) but since I
jettisoned Visual Foxpro,  LC is what I use for "Real programs". But until
the great unwashed get to hear about LC (open source) LC commercial will
always be in the backwaters.

Foxpro still works (last update 2004) and I used it to  knock up a simple
label printing program for a cousin of mine  in a couple of hours, a year
or so back - horses for courses.

So my question what does marketing do? - because it sure looks like a part
time job to me - I would like to be wrong but it seems to me 9 to 5 and  no
passion to get the word out,  going that extra mile. Not getting involved
with the community (on this list)  to see how we could all help even if it
is questions and answers on SO would be a start. I'm not holding my breath
to see if anybody other than the developers pop in here.

Regards Lagi


And while i'm on a stream of consciousness rant.

I understand why you don't have a perpetual license at least for the
desktops but I say again you should have a separate IOS and Android package
only for £99 (ish) which does not run out (although updates will need to be
paid for as- per XOJO).

Why so? Because if I  want to create a program for IOS £500 (yearly) for
livecode Indy + £99 for Apple yearly - launch my program and I make £200
(probably 90% make sweet Fanny Adams) and after a year I have to pay again
to use the program - I wont even go ther.  XOJO and b4I are about that
price and don't run out (but you pay for updates). Now if the LC  "lite"
versions (Android and IOS) didn't run out but £99 a year was for Updates
which WILL be needed on Mobile because of the changes to the API you would
have all the people at XOJO (if you marketed to them) coming in whilethey
wait for to  XOJO finish version 1 of their Android edition (some already
do use LC for that). Lots of £99 a year or 2  for updates adds up. - And
todays bedroom programmer is tomorrows business programmer (Windows/MAC).

And Btw I still think XOJO's website tells you exactly what it's about

We have to scroll (below the fold) to find Startups, Education, getting
Started (You are not talking to me or Dave or Richard or Todd or other Old
Guard (who still know what a command line is) who are looking for a new
home. Why not talk to your visitors above the fold - and "our story can
still be there on page 1) taking a quarter of the page on the right. We
have to click anyway - this is web design 101.  LC is not BMW trying to
sell a lifestyle without mentioning the features/benefits of the product

Now I have to work late because of a rant!!


It's because I care about where LC is going (or not) that I sound like I'm
getting at the company and people , but since I can't get a bucket of water
up there to marketing this rant will have to do.

On Wed, 15 Aug 2018 at 21:13, Geoff Canyon via use-livecode <
use-livecode at> wrote:

> Ah, topics are the key concept. Glad that now Navigator is associated with
> LiveCode on GitHub...
> On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 11:59 AM Warren Samples via use-livecode <
> use-livecode at> wrote:
> > On Wed, 15 Aug 2018 11:10:57 -0700
> > Geoff Canyon via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> >
> > > And done! Is there a way to tag repositories on GitHub by language, so
> > it's
> > > easy to find all LC repos?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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