Getting Started with DataGrid and another datagrid form

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Sun Aug 5 23:32:28 EDT 2018

Aloha zryip

I finally figured out that a row has the behavior script that "requires attention"

I have yet to try in dghelper.

FillInData etc. obviously need controls named according to your grid

But I still have the question:

The WSIWYG template has the control "where we want them"

But is the LayOutControl handler doing? Is it needed?

Oh by the way. you need to have a button that

set the relayerGroupedControls to true

In the form builder, otherwise you can't push an object "back"

On 8/5/18 7:26 AM, zryip theSlug via use-livecode wrote:

The code you have in the default behavior is the one installed by the
inspector located in one of the behavior button (stack only script now,
since the dg2)

It contains the minimal example code to help the developer starting;
FillinData, preFillinData, LayoutControl, etc

If you are modifying the template for the datagrid (adding a control,
deleting a control, etc) you have to change the code for your datagrid row

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