Getting Started with DataGrid and another datagrid form question

Douglas Ruisaard dougr at
Sat Aug 4 10:38:20 EDT 2018

I concur with Brahmanathaswami that, in particular, datagrid forms (I haven't worked with tables (yet)) are very finicky with regard to scrolling.  I still would greatly appreciate some help with a recently submitted message to this group, Subject:

datagrid form question

Once you play around with a grid enough, it becomes clearer on what you can and cannot do.

Regarding DGH v2... during my initial foray into datagrid forms (very recent, by the way), I was hoping that DGH v2 would be the panacea for the initial confusion regarding datagrids.  Alas, it is likely a fine tool but, from my perspective (as many aspects of LC), it may be most effective once one has mastered the fundamentals of datagrid construction and usage.  I downloaded the trial version and will go back to it ASAP now that I am over that initial learning hump ... with A LOT more to learn, I'm sure.

It would probably be worthwhile to read through my two posts under " datagrid form question " to consider what I discovered with regard to scrolling... hopefully, I've made the explanation clear enough but if not, I'd be glad to expand on the subject.

Thanks in advance.

> At $45.00 (cheap) and with your own endorsement (knowing that it is maintained)
> I'll get it!
> Brahmanathaswami
> Ps do you have a real name?
> ?On 8/2/18, 12:01 PM, "use-livecode on behalf of zryip theSlug via use-livecode" <use-livecode-
> bounces at on behalf of use-livecode at> wrote:
>     Dear Swami,
>     We have some free material about datagrids form or table.
>     1. A tutorial written long time ago before I created DGH, exploring the
>     very basic concepts of the datagrid control (form and table):
>     2. Some demo stacks created for demonstrating datagrid's possibilities such
>     as drag and drop, calculation, etc
>     3. About your screenshot, a datagrid form will be your better option in my
>     opinion.
>     4. And about Data Grid Helper, I can not answer objectively to your
>     question, for sure. All I can say is the tool has regular updates for
>     supporting the new versions of LiveCode. A new  major (nothing to do with
>     our friend Klaus :) (I prefer to specify because he made me the joke on the
>     livecode forum, haha :) )) 2.5 version has been released in June supporting
>     dg2 properties, widgets, custom headers, etc. A blog article has been
>     published about it, with some available screenshots of the new features:
>     Now, if someone in the List want to add a comment about DGH, positive or
>     not, he / she is welcome. :)
>     Best Regards,

Douglas Ruisaard
Trilogy Software
(250) 573-3935

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