use-livecode Digest, Vol 175, Issue 42

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Apr 25 14:33:39 EDT 2018

Graham Samuel wrote:

 > Just a bit of pensioner solidarity: someone also suggested to me (on
 > the Apple Discussions site) that I mess with Java on my Mac, via the
 > command line, no less. Part of my reply was:
 >> Thanks for trying to explain it, but running stuff on the command
 >> line was what I bought a Mac not to do! Back when dinosaurs ruled
 >> the earth I was a geek who could program almost anything etc, and
 >> I ate command lines for breakfast, but nowadays I want to be one
 >> of "the rest of us".
 > I think that a respectable minority of LiveCode developers may well
 > feel like us.

It's such a different world today than when we were starting out.  Back 
then there was only on consumer GUI OS, and we wrote apps on the same 
system they were expected to run.  Today we need to support multiple 
OSes, and when those are mobile we develop on a completely different OS 
and then squeeze it into the tiny device like building ships in a bottle.

At this point, as someone who's job requires him to sit and type for 
much of the day, four things are keeping me alive:

1. A cup of black coffee with breakfast.
2. A glass of red wine with dinner.
3. Cycling to a nearby park for lunch.
4. The frequent reminder that there are a million things I don't know,
    and I'll need to learn some of them by next week.

Wikipedia has become my favorite book, but I do sometimes almost miss 
the luxury of reading novels.


  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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