[OT, maybe] - configuring a Windows Installer for a Standalone

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Wed Apr 4 18:51:41 EDT 2018

Elevation is a security feature of Windows since Vista I believe. Even though you log in with what you might think is an administrator account, the actual session user does NOT have Administrative rights. Anything that user does only has standard user rights. UAC (user access control) must be invoked to elevate the current process rights. For a non-administrator a dialog will popup asking for a name and password. For an administrator, it will simply present a Yes/No dialog. 

If you get the properties of the Windows executable, there is a Compatibility tab. You may be able to uncheck Run this program as an administrator (but then you won't be able to do anything requiring administrator access) or you can try running in Windows XP Compatibility mode (if Windows 10 even supports that anymore.) You will have to do this before building the installer, or else there may be a feature in the Inno packager which allows you to set this. 

Bob S

> On Apr 4, 2018, at 14:21 , Graham Samuel via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> Another deployment PITA.
> I’ve got a standalone which is cross-platform and works well on Mac and PC. Unfortunately I’m having a lot of trouble with making a viable Windows Installer, using the Inno system. All goes well with the installation process until the user checks “launch” for the app at the end of the installation process. He/she then gets and error message (this is on both Windows 7 and Windows 10):
>> C:/Program Files\Myprogram\Myprogram.exe
>> CreateProcess failed: code 740
>> The requested operation requires elevation
> I have no idea even conceptually of what elevation means, and I have no idea how to correct this situation. 

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