memory databases fail in Windows

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Tue Apr 3 13:38:40 EDT 2018

Hi all. I have a function that works in Mac but not in Windows. Here is the relevant code:

function arrayToMemoryDB aArrayData
   put the keys of aArrayData into tArrayKeys
   sort tArrayKeys numeric ascending
   put ":MEMORY:" into tDBFile
      put revOpenDatabase("sqlite", tDBFile) into tDBID
      put "drop table arraydata" into tDropSQL
      revExecuteSQL tDBID, tDropSQL
      put  the result into tResult
   catch tError
      answer tError
      if the environment is "development" then exit to top else quit
   end try

revOpenDatabase returns an error. Any idea why? It's a memory database! How can it NOT work??

Bob S

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