Value & parentheses when doing math

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Mon Apr 2 18:08:52 EDT 2018

Knapp Martin wrote:
 > I have a tab delimited list where item 4 is a number and I'm adding
 > things up. What is considered best practice when doing this?
 > add item 4 of line x of tList to tRunningTotal
 > or
 > add (item 4 of line x of tList) to tRunningTotal
 > or
 > add value(item 4 of line x of tList) to tRunningTotal
 > Marty

IMO whatever is the easiest to write and read that gets the job done is 
the best option.

The first example above seems simplest to me.

The second one isn't bad, but the third one should be avoided unless you 
have something in the data that requires the overhead of adding a call 
to the value function.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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