[OT] Hello World

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Tue Sep 5 16:23:13 EDT 2017

Bob Sneidar wrote:

 > I don't mean to imply the link Richmond posted was malware. I was
 > responding to the post where Richmond indicated he didn't see what
 > was wrong (I took that to mean clicking a link in an email) to which
 > I responded that what was wrong (with clicking links in general) is
 > that it may seem to be from one person when actually it is not. Given
 > that has actually happened to people on this list, I don't think it
 > is out of the ordinary to be a little cautious. And since he usually
 > signs Richmond, and this time it was signed Richmond Mathewson, I
 > thought it might be a good opportunity to remind everyone on the list
 > who do like to post links, that it is easier to trust when the list
 > member uses a unique signature that no one else could have discerned.
 > Sorry for the confusion.

No worries. Glad the link was a good one.

Looking for usual patterns can help, but only so much.  After all, if 
they're usual they're usually found in the usual places, and things like 
mailing lists often have public archives.

Ralph's practice of keeping his browser containerized is probably the 
best bet, something Qubes OS is designed to do for all apps, and 
something we'll likely see more of from other OS vendors.

For us app developers, and old-time users accustomed to freely 
interoperating among programs, the future may seem a dim place, where 
each process is ever more tightly sandboxed, with what little data is 
allowed to be exchanged happening through narrow channels controlled by 
the OS.

But with things like IDN homograph attacks, there's really nothing 
anyone can do to prevent clicking on bad URLs - we either give up 
clicking URLs altogether, or accept ever tighter app sandboxing.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at FourthWorld.com                http://www.FourthWorld.com

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